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Time is finite. If you feel the call to leap into the unknown, listen. Holding onto old ways while embracing the new is impossible. 
These are crossroads. 
After returning from a 30-day sabbatical, I learned that life continues to unfold in unexpected truths. Though some are hard to swallow, the journey continues to bear enlightenment. An deeper awakening has begun. Flowers share their fragrance, the grass glows from within, and life begins to breathe again. The cracks in daily life open, allowing light to pour into moments that reveal the world's interconnectedness. This reality is always there, though often hidden beneath distractions.
Experiencing bliss, peace, and a deep knowing in each moment is a glimpse into our intrinsic freedom. A vast contradiction to the enclosure of meaningless distractions. Without intention, over time, the cracks in our daily lives begin to close, but what should happen if we choose to open them up? 
The lesson is clear: the choice is ours. We can choose to live an awakened life or revert to old habits. This requires daily, moment-by-moment awareness and embracing a new way of being.
Make life-changing decisions. Old habits—long hours, wearing oneself thin, neglecting what truly matters—must end. Suppressing parts of oneself is simply postponing one's truth.
At this crossroad, as Gary Zukav shares, choose to step into your authentic power and live from the seat of the soul.
Inspiration for the Week:
Reflect on the cracks in your life and allow light to enter through them.
Daily: Consciously choose to stay awake and present.
Release old habits that no longer serve you.
Observe life's interconnectedness.
Trust in your journey and take the leap into your true calling.

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