Deepen Your Practice

Language has evolved for thousands of years. Oral traditions, storytelling and the preservation of our own truths have become an endless index to our most-sought after epiphanies - those just waiting to be discovered. I find that in a constant state of curiosity, and my love for learning, language continues to unfold a new harvest - here are a collection of words that have left me inspired. 

can you hear them?


In transition from one moment to another, from one season to the next,  acoustic landscapes can be a wonderful tool to center oneself. They can transport us to places both foreign and familiar.


A collection of language - literature, podcasts, interviews, and more that have grown my own curiosity and practice. 




COMING SOON: Building a foundation can take experience, here are a few materials to set you up for success. 


COMING SOON: Individually we are one drop. Together we are an ocean. Beautiful things come into my peripheral often. For those of you that have an appetite for shared experiences here are some I'd forever recommend. 



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