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I hope you are doing well. I wanted to share some reflections and insights from a recent experience that has profoundly impacted my life. I am sharing in hopes that it inspires YOU. After five years as a sales manager for Compass Real Estate in Boulder, our CEO, Robert Reffkin, gifted me a 30-day sabbatical. This was one of the most important gifts I’ve received to date.
When planning for my sabbatical, many people asked where I would go, what I would do, and what adventure I would take. Interestingly, the adventure I chose wasn’t a typical one. Instead, I went on the most meaningful journey I could have chosen: a trip inward.
Here’s why I chose this path:
1. Physical Exhaustion: My body was close to burnout, and I needed to rest.
2. Deconditioning Automatic Living: I wanted to reconnect with a life of meaning, let go of what wasn't serving me anymore, and return home. 
3. Rediscovering My True Self: I felt like the frog in the pot of slowly boiling water, not realizing the danger until it was almost too late. I needed to rediscover my TRUE SELF. 
Here’s how I started:
My husband and I went to Cabo for the first week to unwind and disconnect. I allowed myself to sleep as long as my body needed, began eating healthier, and reintroduced exercise and yoga into my routine. I took walks along Boulder Creek, connected with nature, and allowed myself the time to heal.
Here’s what I found out:
Initially, I suspected something might be physically wrong with me because I was so tired and depleted. However, as I began to take deep care of myself, I felt better rapidly and grew excited about life again. I realized I was not sick—in fact, I am healthy and thriving! This sabbatical was precisely what I needed.
Over the next few months, I will share the life lessons I learned during my sabbatical. I hope they impact you in a meaningful way. 
Lesson 1: The Importance of Self-Care
Mental and Physical Health: Prioritizing health and well-being is vital for sustainable happiness.
Rest and Recovery: Rest is essential in preventing burnout and maintaining peak performance.
Reflective Question:
What non-negotiables do you need for self-care to prioritize your health and well-being to maintain joyful living and a sustainably successful life?
My Non-Negotiable Rituals:
I follow Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning acronym, SAVERS:
• Silence: Meditation, quiet time, and rest.
• Affirmations: Positive “I am” statements to embody our desired self.
• Visualization: Envisioning how you want your day, month, and life to unfold.
• Exercise: Consistent movement to energize and bring joy.
• Reading: Nourishing the mind.
• Scribing: Journaling thoughts and reflections.
• Prayer: Daily prayer provided a profound sense of peace and connection. Whether you follow a specific religious tradition or have a personal spiritual practice, incorporating prayer into your routine can bring a deeper understanding of purpose and calmness.
Quote to Ponder:
“How you start your day is how you live your day. How you live your day is how you live your life.” — Louise Hay.
Tomorrow is not promised. We never know what life will give us. If you aren’t taking care of yourself, start now. Your life is a gift and a miracle. Let’s live better, care more, and be kinder without waiting until the last breath to realize we could have lived differently. All we have is this moment. Don’t miss this moment.
What's Next: 
Stay Tuned for Lesson #2: Work-Life Balance.
*The image at the top is my incredible sister, Larissa, who inspires me daily. 

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